Hi All,
I have File to Mails Scenario where I am sending 3 different file like below:
1. Led_DDMMYYYY.xlsx OR Led_DDMMYYYY.xls
2. Chip_DDMMYYYY.xlsx OR Chip_DDMMYYYY.xls
3. Other than above 2 files.
There DDMMYYYY is the time stamp.
I used in condition at Receiver Interface Condition in PI Integrated Configuration like below:
1. FileName = (here it is not exact equal but pattern) Led_*.xls* --> Receiver CC_Mail1
2. FileName = (same) Chip_*.xls* --> Receiver CC_Mail2
3. Filename NOT EQUAL Led_*.xls* AND FileName NOT EQUAL Chip_*.xls* --> Receiver CC_Mail3
But when i send file name Ram_20140130.txt, then it is not going to recever CC_Mail3.
How to handle this requirement ?
I am not using Mapping, but I am using Contex Object FileName to validate the name of the file at run time.