Dear Experts,
Can you help for how I can map the below mentioned time conversion .
This field must be passed. This can be defaulted to the time now. The time indicated is expressed in the UTC timezone.
The extended representation is as follows:
The extended representation uses the following literals:
CC for century (00 - 99)
YY for year (00 - 99)
MM for month (01 - 12)
DD for day (01-28 for month 02; 01-29 for month 02 when the year is a leap year; 01-30 for months 04, 06, 09, and 11; 01-31 for months 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, and 12)
- A hyphen between the year, month, and day is mandatory.
A separator between the date and time is mandatory.
hh for hours (00 - 23)
mm for minutes (00 - 59)
ss for seconds (00 - 59)
.sss One or more characters after the decimal point represent fractions of a second. The representation is limited to a maximum of three decimal places, that is, the time can be expressed to a thousandth of a second.
A colon between the hours, minutes, and seconds is mandatory.
Z must be specified to represent the time is also in UTC time.