How can I perform a 'unit' test in PI7.4. Java stack only?
Before I was on 7.11 and I always did the following steps for testing my interfaces
1) testing the message/operation mapping in ESR
2) testing the objects in ID via the "test configuration" menu option
3) fire XML via the Runtime Workbench, mainly to do a quick test on connectivity
Option 2) and 3) are missing from the PI7.4 Java stack only implementation.
I cannot find any option to do a test on my ICO's
Also I cannot find a test option from the PI tools page.
The only option I have found sofar in my research is to use SOAP UI tool. But it has a big setback because I must create a soap sender channel to use it,
So that means a complete rewrite of my ICO if it hasn't a soap sender channel.
So question:
Is there a new way to test interfaces in PI7.4. Java stack only that i have missed? Please point it out to me.
If there isn't a new way, is there a roadmap for this? The lack of a proper test tool in PI is really a big step back from point of view from developer!!
I want to be able to perform a proper test before delivering the interfaces from DEV to QA
Kind regards