Dear all,
i have configured end to end scenario (proxy-soap) ECC HCM-PI-SuccessFactors using the standard ESR
content(SWCV : SFIHCM01) provided by SAP. Now i have a requirement to validate a incoming field and raise a
exception as per discussion How to raise a exception if the incoming value for a source field is empty
To do the custom requirement and validate a field using UDF
1) Should i edit the mapping logic in standard SWC componet or should i develop a new custom object
(product, swcv, creating dependencies, ESR design obects and ID config objects)
Note: Standard objects can be modified by selecting the object properties like Language : English &
Checking the checkbox : Objects are modifiable
2) Is it advisable to change/modify the standard content
Please provide your valuable inputs
Koti Reddy