Hey ppl,
I have a SAP B1WS installed on a Microsoft server. And i'm trying to create a interface with html/css to display and insert data on it, like get products, insert products for example.
I've searched a lot about this, and i found that the SOAP does the work.
ATM i have this connection:
$client=new SoapClient($wsdl, array('location' => 'LINKTOTHESERVER/B1WS/Service.asmx', 'trace' => true, 'version'=>"1.2"));
'DatabaseServer' => 'serverappl',
'DatabaseName' => 'DATABASENAME',
'DatabaseType' => 'dst_MSSQL2012',
'CompanyUsername' => 'username',
'CompanyPassword' => 'password',
'Language' => 'ln_English',
'LicenseServer' => 'localhost:30000'));
This is wrapped with a Try/catch.
$client=new SoapClient($wsdl, array('location' => 'LINKTOTHESERVER/B1WS/Service.asmx', 'trace' => true, 'version'=>"1.2"));
echo "Types: -> ";
echo '<pre>';
echo '<pre>';
echo "Functions: -> ";
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
'DatabaseServer' => 'serverappl',
'DatabaseName' => 'DATABASENAME',
'DatabaseType' => 'dst_MSSQL2012',
'CompanyUsername' => 'username',
'CompanyPassword' => 'password',
'Language' => 'ln_English',
'LicenseServer' => 'localhost:30000'));
echo htmlentities($client->__getLastRequest());
catch( SoapFault $e )
echo htmlentities($client->__getLastRequest());
Now, i dont know where to start on building this aplication on php using the rest of the wsdl's. My questions are, how do i get the data from the server, and where do i start to search on how to insert products on the server.