I'm looking for a solution on integrating SAP PI (7.31) with HSM (Hardware Security Model) tool provided by a e-Security vendor. The APIs that are available on HSM are listed below:
- nCipher PKCS #11 library
- Cryptographic Hardware Interface Library
- Microsoft CryptoAPI (MSCAPI)
- Microsoft Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG)
- nCipherKM JCA/JCE cryptographic service provider.
Any one of the above APIs on HSM can be used for integration with SAP PI. I would basically need the inputs like what features are available in PI and technically how can I implement this?
Requirement is to send a file to this HSM tool for digital signature and get it back and format the file using S/MIME standard and send it to a end party.
One more question I have is, how can we invoke a Java API from SAP PI?