I am coming to this group in hopes of someone being able to advise me on how to manage a file I have recived.
This file is a continuous line of data file, no carriage return line feed, and the file is not comma delimited. It is a 1050 fixed block file.
There are two records in this file. Record 1 and Record 2. Record 1 holds the customer info and Record 2 has the detail transactions.
When I run this this file into my systems (which a FACS system not a main frame). It only reads the Record 1's and the first Record2 of the first record1.
The sender of the file will not motify this file .
How do I preprocess this type of file and place the record break delimiters at the end of eact record line? It will come to me monthly and will have thousands of accounts.
I have exhausted my user group with this question and lucked up on thie site. I don't mean to intrude upon your group.
This what we are use to seeing .
1 PETER PAN 012614 2688 KNOWHERE LANE PARIS TN 38222 901999999 LILIY PAN 102579 2688 KNOWHERE LANE PARIS TN 38222 2314.15
2 050614 ABCK 1234-555 BACK BRACE 38.00
2 050614 LMNO 555-12 COLLAR PAD 55.00
This is what I am getting.of course the data goes straight in a line.
PETER PAN 012614 2688 KNOWHERE LANE PARIS TN 38222 901999999 LILIY PAN 102579 2688 KNOWHERE LANE PARIS TN 38222 2314.15 2 050614 ABCK 1234-555 BACK BRACE 38.00 2 050614 LMNO 555-12 COLLAR PAD 55.00
Thank you for advise