Hi Guru's,
The scenario is from FILE->PI->MDM .
Few messages fail in PI with the error Message ID 415a6324-dd3d-11e3-94e0-00000613e84e already exists in database .
I have already seen the SAP NOTE : 1361305 , My doubt is if this error is any way related to MDM side issue or anything else.
Please help me out .
Attached the full trace in PI :
MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: com.sap.aii.af.lib.ra.cci.XIAdapterException: System error: Message ID 415a6324-dd3d-11e3-94e0-00000613e84e already exists in database: com.sap.sql.exception.OpenSQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SAPSR3DB.I_XI_ID_MAP_ID1) violated OpenSQLExceptionCategories: [NON_TRANSIENT, INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION]