Hi Friends,
In the input file, all fields in each record are delimited by tilde symbol.
One field has tilde symbol as part of value but the whole value is enclosed with doube quotes. (the highlighted field below)
~Kanaga~"Kannura~"~ ~~0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"K N POLYMATECH CO.,LTD"
When the system parse each field, it consider this one vaue as two values since ~ is in the value.
In the sender channel, FCC parameters the fieldSeparator we use ~.
When I place this kind of file, the sender channel throws error more elements than no.of fields in the channel.
If I remove the ~ sybmol manually in the file, we are able to process the file successfully.
Any idea friends how to control this ?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Jegathees P.