Dear all,
a good overview of the possibillities to use servlets for the external query of message performance in AAE can be found in this blog post
The SAP note 2006366 describes the change of the standard retained time intervall using the url http://myaehost:50000/mdt/performancedataqueryservlet?PeriodConfig=DAILY=7,HOURLY=24,MINUTE=4.
It states, as well as the blog post that the supported periods are DAILY, HOURLY and MINUTE.
The XSD of the XML servlet output describes the availbable periods as
<complexType name="PeriodType">
<element name="Type" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="HOURLY"></enumeration>
<enumeration value="DAILY"></enumeration>
<enumeration value="WEEKLY"></enumeration>
<enumeration value="MONTHLY"></enumeration>
<enumeration value="ANNUALLY"></enumeration>
<element name="Interval" type="tns:IntervalType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1"></element>
So I'm wondering now:
If one changes the period DAILY for let's say 400 days, will there be an aggregation to periods weekly, monthly and annually?
And how long will these aggregated periods contained?
I did even use the use the servlet with mdt/performancedataqueryservlet?PeriodConfig=ANNUALLY=6 and it does return a OK result..
<PerformanceDataQueryResults xsi:schemaLocation="http://XXXXXX:YYYY/mdt/monitor/PerformanceDataQuery.xsd">
<Text>Performance configuration updated.</Text>
<PeriodTypeConfig> {ANNUALLY (6)=6}</PeriodTypeConfig>
Did someone try this as well? Did it work?
Best Regards,