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Runtime exception when processing target-fieldmapping


Hey there,


I have an IDoc to IDoc scenario on PI 7.31 double stack.


I am getting this error when processing an mapping on PI:


com.sap.aii.mappingtool.tf7.MessageMappingException: Runtime exception when processing target-fieldmapping


The strange thing is that if I manually restart the message, it works perfectly fine. And when I don't restart it manually, it gets restartet automatically which works also. Sometimes it needs two tries, but in the end it always works. I am using value mapping groups to map one value into another. Severals cache refreshs did not solve the problem.

The problem is that sometimes the automatic restart takes some time and users start wondering where their orders are.


Here is the full error:

-<SAP:Error SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">















<SAP:P3>n: Runtime exception when processing target-field</SAP:P3>



<SAP:P4>mapping /ORDERS05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/SNDPRN; root mess~</SAP:P4>






<SAP:Stack>Während des Anwendungs-Mappings com/sap/xi/tf/_ORDERSORDERS05_to_ORDERSORDERS05_ ist eine RuntimeException aufgetreten. com.sap.aii.mappingtool.tf7.MessageMappingException: Runtime exception when processing target-fieldmapping /ORDERS05/IDOC/EDI_DC40/SNDPRN; root mess~</SAP:Stack>






Any suggestions?

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