Dear All,
I have a .txt file and unstructured. PI want to retrieve the file(via NFS).
Example of .txt file
qname fea.q
hostname abc
group shalgnm
owner sahuxx1n
project stam_turne
department compressor_cfd_steady
jobname abaqus
jobnumber 12092
account sge
qname fea.q
hostname bbc
group shalgnm
owner sahuxx1n
project stm_turne
department compressor_cfd_steady
jobname abaqus
jobnumber 12094
account sge
qname fea.q
hostname iccc
group shalgm
owner sahuxx1n
project stam_tuine
department compressor_cfd_steady
jobname abaqus
jobnumber 12093
taskid undefined
account sge
In the .txt file, PI want to only retrieve 2nd coloumn data in the every record but I want to use only File content conversion for this requirement.
My user doesn't want to use Unix script.
Do you have any ideas for using File content conversion in this requirement?
Thank you very much.