I'm having trouble removing Jobs archiving status Warning. I'm created a new home path and join Archive Path Properties a new folder, restarted JOB it worked, But i can not remove a Background Job status Warning error BROKEN_URI_EXISTS. In the XML DAS Administration when you click Unassign an error occurs:
Error while unassigning archive path /px1/xi_af_msg/ from archive store ARCHIVE MESSAGES; check application log of back-end system: java.lang.Exception: 598 _ASSIGN_ARCHIVE_STORES: _ASSIGN_ARCHIVE_STORES: I/O-Error while deleting collection 3iwjupqcfmi6jcuzaaaaazzg2g: Archive store returned following response: 598 I/O Error java.io.IOException: Error while deleting collection //sapmnt/PX1/global/xi/px1/xi_af_msg/2014/07/3iwjupqcfmi6jcuzaaaaazzg2g/ java.io.IOException: Error while deleting collection //sapmnt/PX1/global/xi/px1/xi_af_msg/2014/07/3iwjupqcfmi6jcuzaaaaazzg2g/
But this path //sapmnt/PX1/global/xi/px1/xi_af_msg/2014/07 no folder 07 and no files.
Please tell me how to stop and delete jobs with the status Warning
Best regards,