Hi Experts,
I am doing a mapping function and is facing issue with a particular filed in the target.
My source and Target Structure are as below
My Mapping condition is if Fuel Type = 03, map source "/MVOldGasRegister/Value" to target "/ZWM_OLD_METER_READING/REGISTER_ID" else if Fuel Type = 01, map source "/MVOldElecRegister/Value" to target "/ZWM_OLD_METER_READING/REGISTER_ID". Else Donot create Target.
The occurance of "/MVOldGasRegister/Value" and "/MVOldElecRegister/Value" is 0..unb. Hence the target "/ZWM_OLD_METER_READING" should be repeated based on the number of occurence of the node. The corresponding "REGISTER_ID" should be of the source.
If Fuel Type =03, then only multiple occurnace of "MVOldGasRegister/Value" would exist with no occurance of ""MVOldElecRegister/Value"
If Fuel Type =01, then only multiple occurnace of "MVOldElecRegister/Value" would exist with no occurance of ""MVOldGasRegister/Value"
I am looking for a UDF to solve this purpose.
Any help appreciated.