Interface used to move file from FTP to NFS path, it is soap to IDoc interfaces, where the source payload looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:CPROTrig xmlns:ns0="urn:rockwellautomation.com:idd0633:GoodsReceipts">
here idd0633_test.txt would be moved to NFS path like /data/interfaces/idd0633/in/idd0633_test.txt
This whole transformation happens thru mapping, where there were two UDFs:
1. readProp - detremine which is the sender and what is the target path
2. transferFile then change the source path to target path and post the file
While tested in mapping test tab, message successfully posted to target directory, while posting the same payload from RWB, message failed with below error:
RuntimeException during appliction Java mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_CRM_CPRO_IDD0633_MM_ Thrown: com.sap.aii.utilxi.misc.api.BaseRuntimeException: Method not found readPropFile
Please help!!
Pankaj Rajak