Hi All,
I have delivery IDOC where the date in E1EDL24-VFDAT needs to match the context asame as in E1EDL44-MATNR.
For this i can use useOneAsMany function if the context match both in E1EDL24 and E1EDL44.
But my idoc will have batch and mutiple handling units where E1EDL44 segment may exist more than one in each E1EDL37 segment for same material if it is batch and it can have mutiple E1EDL37 segments for same material . Here is the example
For same material the 2nd and 3rd material belongs to batch
1) E1EDL24
MATNR = 123
VFDAT = 20151003
2) E1EDL24
MATNR = 123
VFDAT = 20151004
3) E1EDL24
MATNR =123
VFDAT = 20151006
1) E1EDL37 ----->mutiple handling units
MATNR =123
CHARG = 23455
2) E1EDL37----->mutiple handling units
MATNR =123
CHARG = 23455
3) E1EDL37----->mutiple handling units
MATNR =123
CHARG = 23455
4) E1EDL37----->Batch
MATNR =123
CHARG = 23456
MATNR =123
CHARG = 23454
So I want to build the context for VFDAT same as MATNR in E1EDL44
1) MATNR 123 VFDAT 20151003
2) MATNR 123 VFDAT 20151003
3) MATNR 123 VFDAT 20151003
4) MATNR =123 VFDAT 20151004
MATNR =123 VFDAT 20151006
Can anyone please help me in building this context using udf.