I am facing an issue with the SAP PI to Sales force scenario.
I have the login service to sales force i the Java mapping usinf the SOAP lookup. but when I am test it I get the error on the communication channel
the error is as below
Error when calling an adapter by using the communication channel CC_SFDC_Login (Party: , Service: BS_SFDC, Object ID: d466d01c077130a18caba66066161ae1) XI AF API call failed. Module exception: 'SOAP adapter processing error'. Cause Exception: 'SOAP: Response message contains an errorXIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION - soap fault: SOAPAction HTTP header missing'.
com.sap.aii.af.service.api.AFException: XI AF API call failed. Module exception: 'SOAP adapter processing error'. Cause Exception: 'SOAP: Response message contains an errorXIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION - soap fault: SOAPAction HTTP header missing'.
at com.sap.aii.af.service.api.AdapterAccess.call(AdapterAccess.java:122)
at com.sap.aii.ibrun.server.lookup.AdapterProxyLocal.process(AdapterProxyLocal.java:83)
at com.sap.aii.ibrun.server.lookup.SystemAccessorInternal.call(SystemAccessorInternal.java:55)..........................................................................
I do have the SOAP action maintained in the SOAP receiver channel as login.
when I checked the WSDL it has the soap action as "".
I still get the same error when I have the action as blank in the soap receiver channel.
any help is appreciated