Hi All,
SAP PI system : SAP PI 7.4
Interface Scenario : Proxy to File (Asynchronous proxy)
We have requirement where we need to enable sequencing of message coming from SAP system to SAP PI7.4 using asynchronous proxy .Please suggest how can we perform sequencing of message based on any field value in Proxy so that message enter and Process in PI on the same sequence as they have been triggered from SAP .
Here we are using header creation logic in PI mapping - If package ID(field in Proxy ) =1 then only header will create for that message output and in receiver file adapter appending of file is happening to create one final file .
Issue case :
We are sending 3 messages in a go from SAP . say
10000 rows with package ID 1 + 10000 rows with package ID 2 + 250 rows with package ID 3.
When messages are triggered, they are in correct order. Even in SAP sxmb_moni, we get same order.
But as 250 rows is a small packet in message 3 , it reaches PI First. then message 1 and then message 2.
So order 1 2 3 is getting converted to 3 1 2 due to we are getting header in middle of the final appending file. like message 3 without header + message 1 with header and then message 2 without header.
Thanks is advance and appreciate timely help .
Rajeshwar Singh