Hi Experts,
I have an outbound scenario Multiple IDOC to File and I have DELVRY03 IDOC on the sender side.
My requirement is as follows:
1. For every EDL24 segment in the IDOC ITEM node should get generated(I am able to accomplish it).
2. Inside EDL24 there is a segment TXTH9 and inside that TXTP9, Here for every TXTH9,TXTP9(item text) can come multiple times.
My requirement is: For a fixed set of values in field TDID(I have 4 or 5 such values) which is there in segment TXTH9, if the condition holds true then the number of times TXTP9 is there ITEMTEXT should get generated on the target side.
I have tried with all the possible graphical mapping solutions, the farthest I have reached is I can accomplish this for all set of condition that holds true, If the condition is false i.e. the value of TDID is not among the fixed set of values the output is not coming as expected.
Your earliest reply is highly appreciated.