Hello Experts,
I need some clarification in the virtual receiver concept in the usage of ICO (in 7.3/4 AEX) and the regular scenario (in 7.1 dual stack) during a PI - PI communication.
Scenario- A : PI 7.1 (Dual) - PI 7.1 (Dual)
In PI 7.1 (1) Configuration:
Sender system : Source Business System.
Receiver system : PI 7.1 (2) relevant business system.
I am using a XI receiver channel (with PI URL ending with /sap/xi/engine?type=entry) to post the data directly to the integration engine.
In PI 7.1 (2) Configuration:
Sender system : Source Business system.
Receiver system : Target Business system.
I am using a XI sender channel to receive the message from PI 7.1 (1) configuration.
This scenario works completely fine. There is no need of a virtual receiver configuration.
Scenario-B: PI 7.1 (Dual) - PI 7.4 (AEX):
In PI 7.1 (DUAL) Configuration:
I set this up as a regular scenario and not ICO.
Sender System: Source business system.
Receiver System: AEX relevant business system.
I am using a XI receiver channel (with PI AEX URL ending with /XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?ximessage=true) to post the data directly to the JAVA engine.
In PI 7.4 (AEX) Configuration:
This scenario has been set-up as an ICO.
Sender System: Source business system.
Virtual Receiver : AEX relevant business system.
Receiver System: Target business system.
I am using a SOAP (XI protocol) sender channel in AEX to receive the message from the PI 7.1 configuration.
Initially when I set-up scenario-B, I did not set-up the virtual receiver, and the message failed in PI 7.1 with the error : com.sap.aii.af.service.cpa.CPAObjectNotFoundException: Couldn't retrieve inbound binding for the given P/S/A values
I am just confused as to why we have to mention the virtual receiver in this case? Is it because we are using an ICO? Is it default behaviour of the ICO?
Any information is appreciated.
Prajeet Jain