Dear Experts,
When transporting BS objects from 1 PI environment to another PI environment, there's a need to transform/translate the BS to the target BS as stated in the following link:
Transporting PI Objects - Process Integration Tools (Eclipse-Based) - SAP Library
If I want to transport BS_DEV from PI dev and translated to BS_PROD in PI prod do I expect to have BS_PROD registered in BS_DEV transport target system for the transport to be successful?
Will the following transform/translate work:
BS_DEV : registered TARGET SYSTEM: BS_QA (Group QA)
BS_QA: registered SOURCE SYSTEM: BS_DEV (Group Dev)
registered TARGET SYSTEM: BS_PROD (Group Prd)
BS_PROD: registered SOURCE SYSTEM: BS_QA (Group QA)
With the above transform/translate registration, will BS_DEV would be translated to BS_PROD when doing a direct transport from Dev to Prd? (Using CTS TR from Dev, or tpz file exported from Dev to Prd destination)
Thank you,
Suwandi C.