We would like to upload Userdata using the SFAPI.
For this, we already have a working Operationmapping and a SFSF-Receiver Channel.
But now I figured out, that we need to change some processing parameter for the User Upsert.
Those are the parameters:
Those parameters are also defined in the WSDL:
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
But the SFSF-SOAP-Adapter does not take it!
If you just put it into your output structure the SFSF-Receiver creates something terribly wrong:
<upsert xmlns="urn:sfobject.sfapi.successfactors.com">
--> Has anyone ever tried to do this???
I know, you need to generate the datatypes with eclipse. But the Eclipse Add-On does not offer any options for this.
I also recognized, that when using the ODATA API, you can use "API option profiles" which you can create in SF to set the options.