Hi All ,
I know this may be a very basic question to ask but I am quite naive in SAP PI/XI so i would like to know the ideas/suggestions from the experts.
My issue is --
I created 8 files to transfer to PI/XI .
In tcode SXI_MONITOR when i try to check the XML MESSAGES , i find two fields as start time and endtime .
Now I need to know what these two fields denote ?
Does the start time field denote the starting of processing of xml file ? or it denotes the time when it reached PI/XI system because when I click
endtime field , it shows the start time as "sent time" .
Does the end time denote the time when the files reach to PI/XI ? or it denotes the time when the processing of file ended ?
On clicking the endtime of second record. (04:26:41)