Dear all,
I got a requirement to distribute material master data using SAP PI (7.31).
I would like to know which options we have for the following cases:
1) Material Master Data is being maintained externally in a 3rd party system and should flow to the ERP via PI
From what I understood, we could use MATMAS IDoc to create materials in the ERP system. I also understand that we have to use one MATMAS IDoc per material. Is this correct? Can we also send a bunch of materials within one connection? And how long will booking of one material take approximately?
2) Export material master data from ERP to 3rd Party
Again, my understanding is that we can use the MATMAS IDocs also for outbound. In this case we will receive one IDoc on PI for each Material when it is created or changed. In case of change we would only receive the changed fields from the material, is this correct?
What options do we have for an initial load where I want all materials to be send out? And does it have to be one material per MATMAS IDoc?
Which other options would we have to import and export materials? Is IDoc in general the best way to go or do we have other standardized options from SAP without doing everything from scratch?
I tried to look if we have any enterprise services available, but apparently ESWorkplace has been put down by SAP. How can we discover and download enterprise services nowadays? Do they still exist?