Hi Guys,
I have a very strange requirement and need your advice.
Basically, I have a PROXY --> PI --> FCC requirement BUT I have to split the file per 300 records and send as an attachment to the email address.
- Proxy will send "n" records to PI
- PI has to create multiple files and send as an attachment to Email address
- PI has to spilt/create file if the number of records are over 300 e.g 600 records will create 2 output files.
Now here comes the challenge PI not only has to create multiple CSV files based on the number of records BUT has to create another
FCC (Fixed length) file.
So the complete scenario is like.
PROXY ---> CSV (create multiple files if the records > 300)
---> FCC (Fixed length file with complete different mapping logic as compare to CSV)
So if the number of records are 600 then we have to create 2 x csv file and 1 x FCC (we don't need to create multiple FCC files) file and then attach all the 3 files to an email account.
I am not sure whether we car really do this without BPM because I am working on PI single stack version and have never worked on NW-BPM.
I am thinking to spilt the scenario into two Steps.
1. Proxy to CSV (multipe files) and store in /temp folder
2. Proxy to FCC and store in /temp folder
Use the same receiver in ICO and for 1st receiver use the 1st mapping(CSV with multiple files) and for 2nd receiver use the 2nd mapping (FCC).
In that way we will have all the 3 files ( 2 x csv , 1 FCC) in the same folder and then use NW-BPM to collect all the files and then send as an attachment BUT how do I collect the files without correlation in NW-BPM?
Does anybody know if this complex scenario can be done without NW-BPM? By using JAVA or XSLT Mapping
I also would like to know how to create multiple CSV file without BPM ( 1:n) as I have to split the xml if the number of records > 300 and create a multiple files.
Please advice.