We've implemented Async/sync without BPM scenario at PO 7.40
HTTP (Async) -> HTTP (sync) -> File (Async)
Configuration of sender channel:
Modules configuration:
1 AF_Modules/RequestResponseBean Local Enterprise Bean request
2 sap.com/com.sap.aii.adapter.http/HttpAdapterBean Local Enterprise Bean http
3 AF_Modules/ResponseOnewayBean Local Enterprise Bean response
request passThrough true
response interface intrfSynchResp
response interfaceNamespace http://namespace/test
response replaceInterface true
Underneath is a log part:
4/9/2015 09:58:55.079 AM Information RRB: leaving RequestResponseBean
4/9/2015 09:58:55.079 AM Information RRB: suspending the transaction
4/9/2015 09:58:55.610 AM Information MP: processing local module localejbs/AF_Modules/ResponseOnewayBean
4/9/2015 09:58:55.612 AM Error MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.ConfigException: No sender agreement configured that matches the message's header fields (sender party: "", sender service: "TEST_01", interface: "http://namespace/test intrfSynchSend", receiver party: "", receiver service: "TEST_01")
Interface intrfSynchSend is sending message synchronously and it seems it's not replaced by ResponseOnewayBean for the response message.
Does anybody knows if ResponseOnewayBean can work in 7.40 as it was in previous versions?