In ECC we are using a program which consumes a web service developed by a third party.
The 3rd party changed some of the XSDs so the application started to fail. I imported the new XSD file in Message Mapping in SAP PI and also in External Definitions.
After this, I'm trying to regenerate in sproxy, but I'm getting a situation which I don't know how to deal with.
Below you can see a sequence of images where you can see how things look in sproxy before and after I click on regenerate button.
As you can see, some of the texts were changed, sequence turned into choice, and ABAP Type Ref. changed from TTYP Table Type to to TABL structure and so on.
What whould I do here? I just want to make the whole system asjust to the new XSD.
I am really new to PI.
Thanks a lot for your time.
Best regards.