I wonder if someone could enlighten me as to the best way of implementing the following scenario on PI/PO 7.4 (i.e. Java only stack) so no ccBPM.
The scenario is we are trying to get a list of products and we have 2 web service enabled systems that can supply this. We check System 1 first and if that doesn't give us a list of products then, and only then, we check system 2. In sequence this would be:
1. Sender Web service -> Receiver Web service 1 to get a list of products.
2. Receiver webservice 1 either returns a fault response or one of it's response fields = 0 (i.e. 0 products)
3. Because we had a fault or 0 products we call Receiver Webservice 2 to get a list of products
4. Response be it a fault or a succesful response is sent back to the calling system.
One important point is all this needs to be synchronous.
Is this a classic case for BPM using gateway conditions? Is that the only way of achieving this or are there options?
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance all!