- Dear experts,
Our PI picks 8 XML files every night using an FTP Sender adapter and six XSLT mappings transform the data to ORDERS.ORDERS05 iDocs.
For each XML file I get an iDoc.
About a week ago one of the files has the following error in SXMB_MONI:
TransformerException occurred during XSLT mapping
Looking at the trace I get the following:
Method fatalError called, terminate transformation, because of Thrown: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 26840 at com.sap.engine.lib.jaxp.TransformerImpl.transform
The error happens at the last XSLT mapping, the ones before process successfully according to the trace.
If I then restart the message in MONI it is processed correctly.
- It is not always the same file (the files are numbered and the stuck file is not always with the same number).
- Use SAP XML Toolkit is checked in Operation Mapping
- The scenario has been running for more than a year now and all of a sudden this is happening. I did not change anything in the mapping either.
What I tried so far after the error had happened for the 3rd time:
- I transported XSLT and operation mapping again.
- In the FTP sender channel I set
"Run Operation System Command After Message Processing"
Command Line "sleep 20" (PI runs on AIX and this command is working) --> I did that so each message gets transformed one by one.
But now I am out of ideas. Could it be some memory problem on PI?
Thank you for any ideas on this.
Best regards,