Hi Experts , 1)Please explain me how the data flow between two mappings in one Operation mapping. for example i have requirement 2)From source .CSV files will be zipped and sent to PI , need to unzip the zipped .CSV files and then need to convert into xml . To Unzip the zipped files i am using the "AF_Modules/PayloadZipBean" this module. To convet the .CSV files to XML I am using the "AF_Modules/MessageTransformBean" this module But the problem was if ZIPPED file contains more than one .CSV file every thing is getting unzipped and the first .CSV is getting converted into XML , rest are getting failed in moni. Error from Moni:- RuntimeException during appliction Java mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_FileSender_To_FileReceive_ Thrown: com.sap.aii.utilxi.misc.api.BaseRuntimeException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x3) was found in the element content of the document We are using the PI 7.31. So i am trying to use the Java mapping for Unzipping and for conversion to XML from .CSV Please tell me any idea which works for my requirement . Thanks, Vijay Kumar
Need Clarification in Operation Mapping , how the data flows between two mappings in one operation mapping