I am having the following issue in receiver determination .
I need to check primarydocrefnum starts with 65 will go to file reciver and not start with 65 will go to IDOC . This condition is working fine with the following syntax for both the receivers
/p1:OrderResp/p1:Control/p1:DocumentIdentification/p1:PrimaryDocuRefNum[not(starts-with(.,"65"))] for idoc
/p1:OrderResp/p1:Control/p1:DocumentIdentification/p1:PrimaryDocutRefNum[(starts-with(.,"65"))] for file
I used EX for both and it worked for above conditions for respective receivers
But I need to add one more .Our sourcesystemid examplle T120-TEST
If the source systme Id ends with TEST and if satisfies first condition ,it shoudl send for the respetive receivers else ignore
I tried with following options and none of them worked
/p1:OrderResp/p1:Control/p1:DocumentIdentification/p1:[substring(SourceSystemId,6,9)="TEST"] (id may not be always 5chars before -.I just tried
I tried with single quotes also. Any other options for this.I tried with substring 5,8 also
After adding the above 2nd condition I am getting receiver could not be determined
Is there any syntax avaliable ?
Thanks for your help