Hello Experts,
I am on PI 7.31 single stack and stuck in one situation where we are picking the file using the JMS sender channel.
Here, JMS channel is picking the files and sending to PI, the scenario is working normal except for few cases where sometimes the JMS channel is pulling the file incomplete and due to which we are facing some issues.
We have tested the failed file from production in our QA system but it was completely received on QA system.
We have also compared the QA and PRD channel settings but seems that they are same. I want to know if increasing message poll interval or message receive wait time will solve the issue?
Please let me know if this can solve the issue or else there is any other option?
We are using websphere MQ and also I want to know what is the difference of Target client properties - WebsphereMQ(non-JMS) and JMS complaint
Thank you.
Rahul Kulkarni