I am trying scenario to implement EOIO dynamic queue. I am able to generate dynamic queue name based on some field value of input payload.
I tried following pattern
Interface 1: file sender --> Http receiver
Interface 2: Http sender - -> Idoc receiver
PFA graphical representation.
I am passing first interface payload to interface 2 and setting queue id in http receiver.
This scenario works fine.
Now I am trying to split input message in multiple messages in interface 1. I have idoc which has multiple line items, I have to split and generate separate idoc for each line item. While transferring message from interface 1 to interface 2, instead of calling interface 2 for each splitted idoc it is generating only single message for interface 2 which has all the splitted idocs in one payload. I want to generate separate http call for each splitted Idoc.
Please help...